Various Native Languages In The US

Various Native Languages In The US

As far as the US is concerned, it is a melting pot of several cultures. However, there are several native languages in the US that are barely known, because most of the communication takes place in English. Before English became the officially recognized language in the US, there were many native languages, about 300 in all. However, colonization and globalization have led the death of many of the native languages in the US. Among the various native languages, Navajo happens to be the most popular. There are about 170,000 people who speak this language, and the Navajo has also been able to include some of the modern technological terms into its vocabulary.

The next most spoken native language happens to be Yupik and Sioux said a representative from Boston SEO. Yupik is a native language spoken by natives in Alaska. The Sioux language has a total of three different dialects and is spoken mostly in Nebraska, Minnesota and North and South Dakota. The Apache language has five groups. Among the native languages, the most unique is the Cherokee. What is interesting about this native language is that it has incorporated some roman alphabets and have taken a lot of effort to preserve their language for future generations.